At the heart of the Religion of Capitalism is the cosmology of individualism. Not individualism in the uniqueness of each one, nor the individualism of free will. Rather, Capitalism is based on the fiction that we are each isolated individuals, who interact with others only through individual, discrete transactions on the "Market." This is epitomized by the nonsensical expression "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps." Of course, that is physically impossible, just as the idea of isolated individuals has no basis in science.
The scientific reality is that everything and everyone affects everything and everyone else, all the time. Human beings, in particular, owe our success as a species to our ability to work together and to pass down the knowledge acquired to the following generations.
While, as you say, "It is its lack of success" which may destroy Capitalism, we need an alternative way of organizing our society at the ready. In fact, human beings have been experimenting with different societies for thousands of years. Somehow, we just got stuck in this failure.
I recommend reading the David's (Graeber and Wengrow) book - The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity (MacMillan 2021).