Excellent. Looking through the negative comments here, I see a common thread. They all invoke the "reality" of the "market" and some concept of "value" and "voluntary exchange." These ideas are the ones which actually have no basis in reality. All these concepts are based on pure blind faith, with no scientific support at all. We do not each live on our own island, interacting only in voluntary transactions. The reality is that we are part of a continuously moving universe, where everything each one of us does effects everyone and everything else, whether we "choose" to or not. Just ask Einstein:
"A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving."
Our success as a species is not due to any individual characteristics or abilities, but to our ability to work together, and to pass down our learned knowledge to the generations who follow.
I also admire David Graeber. One of his last words (literally) was:
"Most of the work we’re currently doing is dream-work. It exists only for its own sake, or to make rich people feel good about themselves, or to make poor people feel bad about themselves. And if we simply stopped, it might be possible to make ourselves a much more reasonable set of promises: for instance, to create an “economy” that lets us actually take care of the people who are taking care of us."