I supported Bernie Sanders in both 2016 and 2020. This article did not convince me to vote for Joe Biden. I do plan, in fact, to not only vote for Biden, but to campaign this November for the Democratic nominee. No thanks to Aniudh; I simply will do whatever it takes to end the current regime of hate. But I fear that articles like this will only doom this effort. This is my advice to end the Trump regime:
First, the things you should not repeat:
· Moving to the center does not work. That is a myth, with no support in the real world. You lost the last election because you failed to address the real needs of white workers, abandoning them to the snake oil of racism being sold by Trump.
· Don’t pick a VP based on geography or demographics. That may have worked in the Nineteenth Century, but we are in the Twenty-First. See below.
· Half-hearted “concessions” may backfire. For example, extending Medicare to age 60 might help people like me, but it will only enrage the youth you seem to intentionally leave out.
Then, the things you need to do:
· Show leadership in the current crisis. While you may not support Medicare-For-All, at least pay for testing and treatment during the COVID-19 for all human beings in this country, regardless of immigration status. Provide relief and support for the real “essential workers” who have been cut out entirely from the relief packages so far, especially Farm Workers (that’s worker, not owners).
· Pick a candidate for VP who can energize young, progressive voters. The true counterpoint to an old, boring moderate is a young, inspiring progressive. That’s the way to fill out the ticket.
· If you can’t bring yourself to support a progressive agenda, at least don’t stand in the way. At least pledge not to veto single-payer health insurance, complete debt forgiveness for human beings, and other measures advocated in the Sanders campaign.
I don’t expect you to take advice from another old Jewish radical. But perhaps you will take advice from a Democrat who turned this country around from crisis of equal magnitude:
The almost complete collapse of the American economic system that marked the beginning of my administration called for the tearing down of many unsound structures, the adoption of new methods and a rebuilding from the bottom up. Three steps, all interrelated, were necessary: first, by drastic measures to eliminate special privilege in the control of the old economic and social structure by a numerically very small but very powerful group of individuals so set in authority that they dominated business and banking and government itself; second, to war on crime and graft and to build up moral values; and third, to seek a return of the swing of the pendulum, which for three generations had been sweeping toward a constantly increasing concentration of wealth in fewer and fewer hands — a swing back in the direction of wider distribution of the wealth and property of this nation.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt, On Our Way (New York 1934), at pp. xi-xii.