The Native Californian Juneteenth: Another False Promise of Freedom

David Sackman
8 min readJun 17, 2020
1820 painting of European view of supplicating Indians seeking absolution from local priests
1820 painting of European view of supplicating Indians seeking absolution from local priests. Bancroft Library, Berkeley, CA (HN000275a)

Juneteenth is a commemoration of the announcement of the supposed emancipation of slaves in Texas, on June 19, 1865. One hundred and fifty-six years after the original Juneteenth, it was declared a federal holiday. The news was slow to be announced, and it has been slow to be recognized. More important, the General Order №3 read by the Union General that day, did not really…



David Sackman

Wherever I go, I am where I came from. Always a stranger in a strange land; yet always home. I claim no land, but take responsibility for all land.