I’ve written my own response to Goldberg, but here let me respond to your article.
Your main argument seems to be centered on the false issue of whether Jews are considered a "race." That is not what Whoopi Goldberg said, nor what the controversy is about. She said that the Holocaust "was not about race." That is an ignorant statement, since the Nazis explicitly defined Jews and murdered them as a "race" (including most of my family). To this ignorance she added divisiveness, when she went on to say (gloat?) that it was just about "White folks fighting other white folks."
(For the record, I don't agree with her suspension from The View either. That just shut down the dialogue. )
The truth is that, scientifically, there is no such thing as "race." What does exist, and flourishes, is racism - the idea of artificially dividing people by the mythology of race. Talking about redefining the idea of race just perpetuates that racism.
On some of your other points:
No, more than one Jew has been lynched, and killed in the U.S. My cousins were almost among the eleven killed at the Tree of Life Synagogue - they only survived because they arrived late for services. What about the Jewish civil rights workers who were murdered in the 60's? What about the Jews killed by Kyle Rittenhouse at a Black Lives Matter protest?
No, it is not true that Jews had "all the legal privileges of whiteness." When the Constitution was adopted, only Protestants were allowed to vote in many states. When my parents moved to Los Angeles, they could only live in certain neighborhoods because restrictive covenants often excluded Jews as well as anyone "not of the Caucasian race."
The US Census also treated Jews as a race for many decades. My grandparents are listed under the "race" category of "Hebrew" or "Israel."
Whoopi Goldberg made it worse in her attempt at an apology on the Colbert show. She tried to explain with a hypothetical of standing by her Jewish friend when the Nazis came marching down the street. She said she would "run." So much for solidarity.
Racism cannot be defeated by redefining the myth of "race." Racism cannot be defeated by standing up only for your own group, however you define it. Racism can only be defeated by standing together, no matter what, like my own hero, Sigismund Danielewicz: